CS224W notes - Machine learning with graphs
Introduction and graph structure
Why graphs?
Networks are general languages for describing complex systems of interacting entities. In other words, a network is a universal language for describing complex data.
Network structure affects the robustness of a system
Most real networks are sparse
Tasks to perform in graphs:
- node classification
- link prediction
- community detection
- network similarity
Embedding nodes: map nodes to \(d\)-dimensional embeddings. Thus, nodes wit similar network neighbourhoods are embedded close together.
- Networks refer to a real system, e.g. Social Networks, Web.
- Graph is a mathematical representation of a network e.g. graph, vertex, edge
Graphs can be directed (followers on twitter) or undirected (friends on Facebook)
Node degrees: Undirected:
- node degree: the number of edges adjacent to node i
- avg. degree
- in-degree
- out-degree
- the total degree of a node is the sum of in and out-degrees
Complete Graph
- maximum number of edges in an undirected graph on $N$ nodes is \(E_max=\frac{N(N-1)}{2}\) and when the number of edges is $E=E_max$, the undirected graph is called compete graph.
Bipartite Graph
- It is a graph whose nodes can be divided into two disjoints sets $U$ and $V$, which are independent sets.
Representing Graphs Adjacency matrix
- \(A_{ij}=1\) if there is a link from node \(i\) to \(j\)
- \(A_{ij}=0\) otherwise
- they are sparse
Edge List
- graph as a set of edges
Adjacency list
- each row is a node and its line is the connected nodes 1: 2: 3,4 3: 2,4 4: 5
- Easier to work with if network is large or sparse
Edge attributes
- weight (frequency of communication)
- raking (best friend, 2nd best friend)
- type (friend, relative)
- Sign (Friend vs Foe)
Other types of graphs:
- self-edges: contain self-loops (proteins, hyperlinks)
- multigraph: more than one edge between nodes (communication, collaboration)
Connectivity: Disconnected graph
- a graph can become a disconnected graph, if the a subgraph becomes isolated. Thus it has more than one componentā¦
- bridge edge: if we delete an edge,
- articulation node: if we erase a node
- Each component can be represented in a block-diagonal form
Strongly connected directed graph
- has a path from each node to every other node and vice-versa.
Weakly connected directed graph
- is connected if we disregard the edge directions
Properties of networks and random graph models
How to Measure a Network
- Degree distribution \(p(k)\): probability that a randomly node has degree \(k\).
\(N_k\rightarrow\): number of nodes with degree \(k\)
\[p(k)=\frac{N_k}{N}\]Note: directed graphs have separate in- and out-degree distributions
- Path: sequence of nodes in which each node is linked to the next one.
- Distance between a pair of nodes \(h_{A,B}\): number of edges along the shortest path connecting the nodes.
If node are not connected, distance is defined as zero or infinity
Directed graphs, paths need to follow the direction of the arrows, and as a consequence, distance is not symmetric \(h_{B,C}\neq h_{c,B}\)
Diameter: shortest path distance between any pair of nodes in a graph
Average path length \(\bar h\):
\(E_{max}\): max number of edges (total number of node pairs) \(=\frac{n(n-1)}{2}\)
- Clustering Coefficient